Earth to Table: Workshops and Dinner

Sunday, Nov 18th, 2018 at 1 pm
Rensing Center
1165 Mile Creek Rd, Pickens, SC 29671

Come join us at the Rensing Center on November 18th for our Earth to Table workshops and dinner! There will be a variety of both ticketed and free events including an indigo dyeing workshop, a kiwi fruit harvest and waterfall hike, a dinner of local fare and a bonfire social. There’s something for everyone. 

The event will kick-off at 1 pm with the workshop, “Rensing Blue: Indigo Harvest and Dye Vat Experience.” The workshop will be led by Interdisciplinary Artist and Rensing Board Member Catherine Cross Tsintzos of the Art and Agriculture Project. Participants will learn some of the same techniques that were used by South Carolina’s farmers and laborers of the Pre-Revolutionary War days and current techniques for producing natural plant dye color from Indigo by extracting color from the green leaf. Participants will have the opportunity to experience the process on sample fabrics and then dye their own set of four vintage napkins. Each participant receives a fabric bundle and four napkins, plus participants are invited to bring in their own pre-washed cotton, silk, linen or hemp items to dye. This is the Rensing Center and the Art and Agriculture Project’s second annual indigo harvest and dyeing event in the Rensing Center Garden. Tickets for the Indigo workshop are 65 dollars and include history, instruction for vat and fabric preparation, Shibori and other decorative resist and surface design techniques for dyeing and a follow-up Share Site with images and details from the workshop.

For those not attending the Indigo workshop, the Kiwi fruit harvest and waterfall hike will begin at 2 pm. Participants will join Rensing members and teens from the Oconee Cultivation Project in the upper garden to harvest this year’s crop of Kiwi fruit. This year’s crop of Kiwi’s will find their way to the Carolina Bauernhaus Brewery in Anderson to become Beer. The harvest will be followed by a short hike to a waterfall on Rensing’s property. This event is free. 

Participants will have the opportunity to reconvene at 4 pm for a free workshop, “Setting the Table with Nature,” led by Ron Few. Participants are encouraged to bring a small jar or vase to make a take-home natural arrangement with guidance from Ron. 

Dinner will begin at  5 pm and will feature shrimp and grits and beer or cider from the Carolina Bauernhaus Brewery in Anderson, SC. Dinner will be provided for a suggested donation of $20. Dinner will conclude between 6 and 7 where participants can join the Bonfire.  

For those not attending the dinner, the Bonfire Social will also begin at 5 pm. Participants are encouraged to bring hotdogs and marshmallows to roast on the fire. The Bonfire will conclude around 8pm. 

We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Rensing Blue Indigo Workshop with Catherine Cross Tsintzos1:00PM$65
Kiwi Harvest and Waterfall Hike2:00PMFree
Setting the Table with Ron Few4:00PMFree
Dinner of Local Fare5:00PMSuggested Donation $20
Bonfire Social5:00PMFree
Earth to Table: Workshops and Dinner

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